
Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Yarnalong: Faery Rebels and the Petals Wrap Cardigan

I managed to lose the cover of the book to our living room lamp (the perils of taking photos after dark), but at least you can see the lace!

It looks scrunchy because it hasn't been blocked yet, but that's what I have so far of my Petals Wrap Cardigan. See the skinny sleeves sticking out in the middle of it and looking ugly? They'll have trim too, eventually. Right where the ball of yarn sits in this picture is where I'm currently working, forming the deep trim around the body of the sweater. And right at the top edge of the book is the spot I'm working towards. I didn't realize when I started this project that the cardigan was almost half trim!

The book you can't see is "Faery Rebels: Spell Hunter" by R. J. Anderson. It's a pity, but I don't remember which blog pointed me towards it, because I'd like to thank whoever it was whose review prompted me to try it. It's quite good. I'm reading it to my daughter and we're both enjoying it. I'm only about halfway through, so I can't recommend it unreservedly (have to see how it ends!), but so far I'm impressed. It's got a lot of depth and the quality of the writing is high. Anderson paints a vivid world, but she does it without once being verbose or letting the story drag. In the background are all sorts of interesting questions about the nature of being, and ethical dilemmas abound, but front and center is a compelling plot, colorful world, and engaging characters. It's got all the miniaturized fascination of a doll house, but all the adventure of something from Grimm.

Anyway, if you've got a daughter who likes fairy stories, or if you're an adult who enjoys well-written fantasy regardless of the age it's aimed at, this is one that's worth checking out. I'll let you know what I think of the ending when we get there!

More yarn-y and literary goodness can be found at Small Things.

Also, today over at Regency Reflections, I have a review of Jane Austen Knits up - check it out!

Peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell


  1. That's a gorgeous cardigan, I'm going to go to the post you linked to, to learn more about it. If I were to make it for myself, I believe I'd make it in dusty rose or lime green, since those compliment my complexion.

    I'll have to check out the book you've recommended also. I have an eight-year old daughter, and she loves to read as much as myself.

    I found you via Small Things WIP.

  2. OMG - That is GORGEOUS! What skill you have. I'm in awe!

  3. Jessica
    such beautiful work - and what a wonderful color. I am looking forward to seeing the end result - will have to go check out that pattern


  4. That is just incredible! Beautiful work and the color is gorgeous.

  5. Wow! Amazing! Beautiful work! Love the color!

  6. oh, Jessica!!! your wrap is stunning!!! can't wait to see it finished and blocked!

  7. Your wrap is absolutely beautiful. It must take a lot of patience to knit that!

  8. That is AMAZING! What a gorgeous handmade you'll have to wear.

  9. It is BEAUTIFUL!!!! What a gorgeous cardigan you'll have!

  10. That cardigan is going to be gorgeous--always fascinating to see how different patterns come together.

  11. That is gorgeous lace! So talented you are! I think I will get there sometime :-) And looking forward to your review of Jane Austen Knits. After I saw your post last week, I dove fully back into my Pride and Prejudice obsession :-)

  12. Wow! That cardigan looks so amazing and delicate!
