
Sunday, March 11, 2012

To Valiant Hearts Triumphant

I wrote 20,000+ words on my current novel in both January and February, and now I'm taking March off to edit my previous novel, in hope of querying it soon. The current novel stands 3/4 of the way finished, so another 20,000 word month in April should see it done.

Which is good! Because I left my poor hero and heroine in the Slough of Despair. I reread the whole book yesterday, coming up abruptly to the cut-off point and practically drooling to get back to writing it because I just can't stand the tension. It's a good sign, I guess, because the trick in fiction is to make it worse and worse and worse for the protagonists up until about the 3/4 mark, and then to let them begin to beat back the advancing hordes.

I want to get to some horde-slaughtering, is what I'm saying.

Instead, tomorrow will see me back to passive-voice slaughtering in the old book, and maybe that's a good thing, because this current WIP might be the most honest thing I've ever written, and I gave myself the freedom to let my hero and heroine make real mistakes, and frankly it's going to take some work to figure how to let them meet those mistakes with real humility, real growth, and real triumph.

Not that it's a depressing story. I kept laughing yesterday while I read it. I know that it's goofy to laugh at your own jokes, but I'd forgotten most of them by the time I read them again, so that's my excuse.

And I really like the story. But it's time for it to marinate for a few more weeks, and then I'll tackle it in the Paschal season, which is the proper season for a romance anyway - spring and light and growth. I want to write the end of this one with Easter hymns in my head.

Peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell

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