
Friday, March 16, 2012

Links - Forgiveness, Anglicans, Pakistan, and more

Forgiveness, Cell by Cell - "When Christ told his disciples earlier to forgive your brother “not seven times, but seventy times seven times,” I think he may very well have meant for a single offense—because that’s how forgiveness works."

Time for a Big, Big Change -  "The Stand Firm web site is about to undergo the single biggest change in its eight-year history."

A Little Proof of a Large Thing - "Our bodies, and the pattern of our lives, make a gesture which is meaningful because of the very fact that some pattern exists. There is not nothing, and there is not chaos: there are patterns, and I cannot unsee them."

Another Pakistani Christian Woman Blasphemy Trial Set for This Saturday - Martha Bibi, a 45-year-old rural villager and mother of six, was also accused of making derogatory remarks against the Koran and blaspheming Mohammed. Her final hearing is set for this Saturday, March 17. This is one to write your congressmen about, folks, because international pressure actually has a chance of keeping her alive if the verdict goes against her. It's super-easy to email your senators these days; most of their sites have a form for it, and they may not pay attention to individual letters, but they do pay attention to volume.

Quantum Marketing - Got to love marketing advice that comes down to: "write a really good story."

Father Ailill on St. Patrick's Day - "I mean to say, take some pity on the man. He's 1500 years old. Hasn't he earned a little good manners, if not respect? If you're convinced you need a day to lower yourself to the level of the beasts, call it Bacchus Day, or Falstaff Day, or Ted Kennedy Day. Even St. Olaf Day. He liked his tipple well enough."


  1. I wrote my senators, my representative, and the president. Thanks for bringing this to my attention, Jess.

  2. I love Jaywalkers. I have to remember to make them a little bit bigger for myself next time. The last couple of pairs were too small for me to wear and I ended up gifting them.
