
Monday, March 12, 2012

Links: Fasting, Prayer, and Steven Curtis Chapman

St. John Chrysostom on Fasting - "Do not let only your mouth fast, but also the eye, the ear, and the feet, and the hands, and all members of our bodies . . ."

Work and Prayer and Rest - "Don’t be mistaken. There is a difference between idleness and rest. There’s a difference between blind striving and hard work. How do we know where one stops and the other begins? We know who we are in Christ. We believe in grace and in God’s deep love for us. We work out of a healthy knowledge of our own value because we know it is not a result of our accomplishments. We work knowing that our hope is in the one who offers rest at the end of the day, at the end of the week."

What I Learned From SCC - "But if we preach our deep brokenness and Christ’s deeper healing, if we preach our inability to take a single breath but for God’s grace, then our weakness exalts him and we’re functioning as we were meant to since the foundation of the world. Steven isn’t super-human. He’s just human. But what a glorious thing to be! An attempt on our part to be super-human will result only in our in-humanness–like a teacup trying to be a fork: useless. But if the teacup will just be a teacup, it will be filled."

Enjoy the good reading!
Jessica Snell


  1. Jessica, you're the second blogger I've read today posting Andrew Peterson's reflection about Steven Curtis Chapman. It's such a great article.

    I've already queued it up for posting at Lent & Beyond on Wednesday... and highlighted the same section you did!

    It would be tempting to say that great Anglican bloggers think alike!

    A blessed Lent to you and your family.

    Karen B.
    Lent & Beyond

  2. Thanks too for the great link re: work, prayer and rest.

    I've just finished reading that and found it full of truth and wisdom, and that is now also among my pending posts at Lent & Beyond.

    - Karen
