
Saturday, March 24, 2012

Finished Object: Petals Wrap Cardigan (Kristin Omdahl pattern)

I finished it, I finished it!

I started this on Christmas Day, and I've been dreaming about it for oh-so-much longer, and now it's done!

Here's a Ravelry link to the pattern, and another to my project (with notes). You have to register to use Ravelry, but it's free.

For fun, here's what it looked like pre-blocking - very scrunchy and ruffly: 
And here it is mid-blocking, all pinned out on top of a couple of towels. You see how the lace is more defined, especially around the edges?
It's done, it's done!

Peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell


  1. So pretty! You are very talented. I'm an average crocheter but this is far beyond what I could accomplish.

  2. Thanks, Emily! Thanks, Holly! Holly, fwiw, this pattern has super-clear charts, and I think it takes more patience than skill. The only really fiddly bit is attaching the back to the fronts. The rest is just following the charts. So if you want to go for it, I'd encourage you to just dive in!

  3. You did a fantastic job!!

    I am a long time crocheter (since I was in grade school) and normally when I see something I love I jump right in and start. But the joining row for the fronts to the back have really got me stumped. I have set this project aside for several months now. Any advice for me?

  4. Carol R - I went off other folks' Ravelry notes. If you're on Rav, you can go to the pattern page, and click on the projects tab, and then go and click on individual projects and read the notes.

    but, basically, I laid out the pieces next to each other and seamed them up. I used the stitches specified in the pattern, but placed them as they seemed to be needed.

    Does that help, or just make it worse? :)

  5. Thanks Jessica!! That is helpful!! I am on Ravelry and did not know about the pattern page. I will check it out right now and hopefully will be able to post pictures of my finished project like you have in the near future! Stay tuned and wish me luck!!

  6. I appreciate your helpful comments, Jessica! I took your advice about laying out the front sides to the back. It finally started making sense. I have now finished that part and have one sleeve attached. I will look forward to posting a picture soon of a finished project!

  7. Jessica Snell - - 8/20/16 - I am making this petals wrap cardigan and I , too am stumped on connecting row18 front / back for Med. size. I've been crocheting for 38 yrs. and can figure out 99% of the patterns. With that being said , I wrote out the pattern word / word, then started again to try crocheting it together. Somewhere between the first stitch and the next one , things didn't line up as the pattern states. This makes me feel weird / frustrated at the same time. Any help will be gratefully needed. My email is Thanks.
