
Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Yarnalong: "The Deep Things of God" and another pair of gloves

I've started another pair of fingerless gloves, this pair for my mom. The yarn (Patons Kroy Socks FX) is a dark denim color, with subtle shifts from dark blue to darker blue. 

The book is "The Deep Things of God: How the Trinity Changes Everything", by Fred Sanders, and I'm really enjoying it. Which is unsurprising, because I really enjoyed having Dr. Sanders as a professor back in college! Sanders is arguing in this book for evangelicals to take their inherent understanding of the Trinity and both to make it explicit, and to deepen it. He says:

Anybody who has encountered God in Christ through the Holy Spirit has come to know the Trinity. But not everybody knows that they know the Trinity.

I'm reading a bit of this each night and it's going very well with my Lenten reading of Ephesians. Ephesians, I'm finding, as all about theological truth and how that theological truth makes demands on how we live our lives. This book is very similar. That God is - and always has been and always will be - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit is true, and would be even if we didn't know it - even if we didn't exist and never had. His being isn't dependent on us. But since we do exist, who He is is important to us and has implications in our lives, even our daily lives. Sanders talks about how the Trinity is important in our prayer lives, our salvation, our evangelism, and more.

Anyway, great book! For more book-and-yarn fun, go here.

Peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell


  1. Your reading sounds fascinating, and how delightful that it compliments your Lenten Bible study. How fun to connect with an old professor you enjoyed!

  2. I love the color of your fingerless mitts. The book sounds fascinating. I'm off to see if my local library has it!

  3. Your mom is super lucky to be receiving such a lovely pair of mitts!!

  4. That book sounds interesting. I agree your mom is super lucky. Fingerless mitts are awesome. I am thinking I should make myself some since I have no gloves at the moment.
    Thanks for stopping by my space!

  5. Beautiful blue!! Fingerless gloves are something I have yet to make for myself...or anyone else! And I love the look of them!

    I am also reading through the book of Ephesians!

  6. This is one of those books with a wonderful union of narrative voice and content. You have to take him seriously, because the voice in which he writes has so obviously been transformed by these ideas.

    Good stuff.
