
Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Yarnalong: a cowl for Adam and Ephesians for Lent

Some plain good knitting and plain good reading: it seemed appropriate for Ash Wednesday.

My husband has been wanting a warm cowl for his walks, something to keep his head and neck warm. I'm using yarn that I reclaimed from a thrift store sweater and I'm using this easy pattern, only I twisted the first round to make it into a Möbius loop, because, to quote my husband, "Möbius loops are cool".

And Ephesians is going to be my Lenten reading this year. I'm hoping to read it once a day during Lent. It starts with all the cosmos as its context (that long sentence full of "blessed be"'s at the beginning) and then comes down to tell us what that means, and how we ought to live . . . and then it ends again on the grand scale, with the "stand firm then . . ." I really love it, but I don't know it half so well as I ought. I'm looking forward to letting it sink in this Lent.

More yarn and literary goodness can be found here, at Ginny's blog.

Peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell


  1. Sounds like perfect reading for Lent and I love the yarn you are using for you cowl :) Happy knitting!

  2. I love the idea of reading the same quote every day for Lent. I think I will find "my" reading tonight, maybe some poem, some thought that I like. Thanks for that! I am giving up sugar and Facebook this year and hope very much that I'll make it through. Knitting will help for sure! So good to knit with thrifted sweater yarn, and lovely yarn it is.

  3. Jessica, thanks for stopping by; you have a good idea there! I have a little notebook for Lent, and I'm writing down everything which seems good to me - quotes, ideas, people to pray for, etc. Focusing on one book from the Bible seems perfect!

    As for ripping out a sweater from the thrift store - I saw that procedure online a number of years ago - whoever's website it was has tons of patience and persistence, and so do you!!

    Nice blog you have here. Blessings on your Lent!

  4. So cool to repurpose a knit! Have no idea how to do it, but it sounds good! Sounds like a nice scripture to read during lent. I am doing Jesus's life, from beginning to end. Good luck on the cowl!

  5. So cool to repurpose a knit! Have no idea how to do it, but it sounds good! Sounds like a nice scripture to read during lent. I am doing Jesus's life, from beginning to end. Good luck on the cowl!

  6. So great to reuse a thrift store sweater for your yarn!

  7. That IS a nice, simple pattern. I am hoping someday to reclaim some yarn from a thrift store sweater. Looks like you got some nice yarn out of it. I am currently working through Romans with a small group of friends. Paul always seems to have something impactful to say. Enjoy Ephesians!

  8. I love that you're making a Mobius cowl! Your husband is correct...that is very cool. :)
