
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

In My Feedreader, Part V: Author Blogs

The next category of blogs in my feedreader are the author blogs. These are the ones that are hard to categorize any other way because of the variety of subjects they all tackle. But the one thing they have in common is that they all write books. So:

Sharon Lee - writes, along with Steve Miller, some of the best sci-fi out there.

Robin McKinley - writes fantasy, and blogs about English change-ringing, knitting, gardening, singing, and other misc. subjects.

Shannon Hale - writes both YA and romance.

Laurie Alice Eakes - writes Christian historical romance.

Ruth Axtell Morren - also writes Christian historical romance.

Naomi Rawlings - so does she! Naomi's blog also has a lot on being a working mom.

Kristi Ann Hunter - another Christian historical romance author.

Kaye Dacus - writes both historical and contemporary Christian romance (she's one of my career heroines).

Wil Wheaton - writes memoir and other interesting things.

John Scalzi  - writes sci-fi and has one of the best author blogs I've ever read. Always interesting.

Melissa Wiley - writes books for children, and has one of the most calm, humorous, fascinated-with-the-world blogger voices - she's a delight.

Linore Rose Burkard - another Christian historical romance author, who blogs about books and faith.

So, any good ones I missed?

Peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell


  1. Thanks a lot, Jess, because now that I have just rediscovered Robin McKinley's blog (after forcing myself to delet the feed several years ago) I am fairly certain I will never get anything accomplished again. Instead, I will just sit around reading everything I missed and then go back to today to see if there's anything new and then will go back to the archives...

  2. I am so curious: how in the world do you keep up with so many blogs? And be a mother? And a writer? And wash the dishes? How how how?! :)

  3. Sorry, Annie! (muhahaha . . .)

    Em - I skim! well, sometimes. I read fast, but I also treat my feedreader like a morning paper. I read the headlines, and then read the things that catch my interest more closely.

  4. You asked if you forgot any good ones and I'm working hard to qualify for that rating. Please pop by "Woman of Faith" and let me know what you think!
    I have Devo Mondays, Beautiful Life Wednesdays, and Fiction Fridays.
    Thanks, and
    Warmest Blessings,


  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Thanks, Linore! I've edited the list to include your blog and added your blog to my own feedreader. :)
