
Thursday, February 16, 2012

7 Quick Takes

1. Elizabeth Moon has a new book out now, Mira Grant has a new book coming out this summer, and Lois McMaster Bujold has a new book coming out in the late fall. It's a great year to be a spec-fic reader!

2. It was 78 degrees and gorgeous here today . . . but part of what was gorgeous is that the mountains were covered with snow and easily visible. The contrast was weird and glorious.

3. Writing a novel is a bit like having a wonderful and secret bit of gossip. I want to tell everyone what's happening, but hardly anybody would understand and the ones who did wouldn't want me to spoil the story.

4. Ares (the mythical god) fathered many, many children (supposedly, in the myths). Like, oh-my-I-just-have-to-keep-scrolling-down-this-Wikipedia-page many.

5. Writing novels leads you to research the oddest things.

6. There is a direct connection between numbers four and five on this list.

7. My friends are writing books! Not only do I have the fun of doing it myself, but I get to read the nascent stories of my fellow authors. I have one I'm working on now (i.e., reading and commenting/critiquing) and one on its way in the next week. Believe it or not, this is one of the fun things about being part of the writing community. You get to see the good stuff before anyone else. Sometimes you even get to help (a small, tiny, infinitesimal bit) in making it better. It's pretty cool, actually.

More Quick Takes can be found over at Betty Beguiles.

Peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell


  1. i lived in pomona for a year and after living in places with four VERY distinct seasons, it messed with my brain to have 70 degree weather in december and yet be seeing snow on the mountains.

  2. i know, those Greek/Roman gods were prolific ... i can just imagine you scrolling and scrolling!
