
Tuesday, November 15, 2011


I'm working on finishing my second (ever!) sock, with the help of Silver's Sock class (a free online tutorial). I'm enjoying it so much, mostly because of how lovely and rhythmic the work is. It's very meditative, and the easy motion of my hands feels like it stills my heart.

The book I'm reading is "A Dash of Style: the Art and Mastery of Punctuation" by Noah Lukeman. All I can say is that I knew it was a good book when it came down in favor of the semicolon.

More knitting and reading to be found here.

Peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell


  1. What a gorgeous green :) I love socks because they are so small to carry around :)

  2. Fab colour, and isn't Silver's sock class awesome?! That's how I started with socks, and I've nearly finished my 4th pair now (with another already on the needles!)

  3. Oooh, really, really liking that sock yarn, what is it?

  4. I'm a huge grammar and punctuation snob. That book is now on my reading list! Thanks for sharing it.

  5. I haven't made socks in a long time. You are definitely making me want to do it again. The book sounds interesting!

  6. Becks - I should have said: it's Knit Picks "Stroll" in the Canopy colorway.

    And, thanks, all!

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