
Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Yarnalong: Birch Vest and On Writing

I've enjoyed the Yarn Along posts at Small Things for a few weeks now, where bloggers post a picture of both what they're knitting/crocheting and what they're reading. I decided to add my own today:

The yarn is KnitPicks Palette in rainforest heather, the pattern is Kristen Omdahl's lovely lacy Birch Vest, and the book is Stephen King's On Writing.
I haven't read any of Stephen King's other books - being scared isn't usually my idea of entertainment (the Weeping Angels excepted) - but the man knows his stuff. This is a really good book. I'm especially digging his idea that novels ought to be written at a one-novel-per-three-months pace. That'd certainly cut down on the amount of time I have to impatiently wonder how is this all going to end again? In other words, the master of horror might have just taught me how to take some suspense out of my life. :)

And I'm enjoying the vest very much. I had to rip back two whole rows due to my own carelessness, but now that I've done one whole repeat of the lace I'm hoping that I can avoid doing any more of that. The yarn is beautiful - it doesn't come through properly in the photo, but it's the very best green ever, full of little specks of blue and red.

More of this sort of thing here!

Peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell


  1. Oh, I read On Writing years ago. Looks like it's time to pull it off my shelf and reread. Thanks (as always) for the inspiration.

  2. Isn't that one of the best new Dr. Who's??? I love the wool. It seems blue is hard to photograph. I have such a hard time with pictures of Ella's sweater.

  3. The Birch Vest is really lovely...I wish that I could crochet! Have a good weekend!

  4. I got On Writing from the library after reading your review (otherwise I probably wouldn't have touched it because I'm not a huge Stephen King fan either) and it IS really good. He has a way of cutting to the heart of things -- like when he skips the idea of "plot" in favor of "situation" and "narrative". Also, when he says that "writing what you know" isn't limited to "writing about your own life" but can include things to do with your heart and spirit (and thus include things like Tolkien-esque fantasy, or horror for that matter). So thank you for mentioning the book; it's a good book about how to read as well as how to write.
