
Saturday, May 21, 2011

pretty green and gold

An easy little project, just a crochet chain stitch with seed beads added. But so pretty!

I'm in the middle of finishing a huge afghan project, but took time off to make this little necklace. Totally worth it!

Peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell


  1. I'm in the middle of frogging an entire sweater. I may need to make myself a little necklace as well. =)

  2. It is gorgeous! ...and I don't like jewelry! What material did you use? Is that a metallic thread?

  3. Thank you all!

    Annie - oh my goodness, a whole sweater? I'm so sorry! how frustrating.

    Bailey, good eyes! It IS a metallic thread. It's actually a quilting thread (I think? I don't quilt, I'm just guessing based on where it was in the store); the brand is "Sulky". I got it at Joann's. The nice thing is that I still have lots of yardage left (I think this necklace took less than 25 yards, and the spool is something like 250), so I should be able to make several more things with it.
