
Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Links! Austen, English and Amish Vampires

Bethany writes about how the Keira Knightly version of Pride and Prejudice differed from the book, taking Austen's plot and infusing it with the Romantic sentiments of Bronte. Interesting (and, I think, correct!) assessment.
James writes about bachelor cooking. He writes:
The main goal of the bachelor cook is to get filling food on the table quickly and in a way that elevates him above the mere ramen-and-t-bell-forever caveman . . . 
His list of the basic dishes that can be achieved with a few varieties of canned food plus - of course - cheese is hilarious and (from what I remember of the time when my husband and I were dating) quite true-to-life.

Oooh. I like this description of what good English is. It reminds me of Coleridge's description of Donne's poetry:
Donne, whose muse on dromedary trots
Wreathes iron pokers into true-love knots.
Although I think Coleridge was talking about the metaphysical nature of Donne's poetry, his description can stand as a picture of what the English language looks like at its best: knotty and strong, like an unbreakable plank of pine.
Oooh, and I might like even better the article MMV links to, this one that explains the heritage of English (Latin and Anglo-Saxon), and how to use it well. Try this paragraph on for size:
How do those Latin words do their strangling and suffocating? In general they are long, pompous nouns that end in -ion—like implementation and maximization and communication (five syllables long!)—or that end in -ent—like development and fulfillment. Those nouns express a vague concept or an abstract idea, not a specific action that we can picture—somebody doing something. Here’s a typical sentence: “Prior to the implementation of the financial enhancement.” That means “Before we fixed our money problems.”
His point is well-taken, although I think the true strength of English comes from judiciously combining those Latin and Saxon words, breeding a vigorous hybrid in your speech.
The linked article also has descriptions of the strengths of several other languages, which I found interesting.
Melissa Wiley's description of the Shakespeare Club her children take part in is so winsome - I especially love their reaction to Banquo's ghost!

Tim Challies says:
I think I have done it. I’ve come up with the ultimate idea for the ultimate Christian novel. This novel seamlessly blends today’s most popular genres into one beautiful, compelling, cohesive whole. I thought you would want to know all about it. So I give to you…
Cassidy: Amish Vampiress of the Tribulation

That’s right. It’s an Amish novel; it’s a vampire novel; it’s an end-times novel. It’s the best of all worlds.

But you have to go over to his blog to read the (made-up) back-cover copy. It's an awesome send-up of current literary trends.
peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell

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