
Monday, June 8, 2009

you mean it's not suppertime yet?

This is in the crockpot right now, and it smells sooooooo good.

In other news, I just spent the kids' quiet time working on my next book, and my hero is shaping up to be quite the interesting fellow. I thought for awhile that he was an aristocratic smuggler, but turns out that he's a candidate for holy orders (second son and all), who doesn't really want to take the plunge and get ordained because A) he enjoys Oxford too much, and would rather just keep on with his nice academic life and B) he's a deist, and has enough intellectual integrity that he doesn't want to take his vows knowing he doesn't believe what he's saying.

Of course, he gets quite shaken up very early in the story, and as the story continues he is quite broken away from his pleasant life and and comfortable convictions, and put into much nastier, tighter conditions than he's ever been in before. Forced to face foe, death, truth and, of course, true love. It's gonna be awesome. I'm getting so excited. I totally want to read this story and find out what happens.

Of course, I've got to write it first. There's the rub.

peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell

p.s., yes, I know how enamoured I am of the phrase "of course". I ought to do find-and-replace for it in all of my work!
p.p.s. that and "quite".


  1. Can't it be parallelism??!!

  2. Sign me up-- I'll take it in serial! (Pretend you're Dickens.)

  3. You said your next book... have you already written one??
