
Tuesday, June 2, 2009

pretty simple, in the end

We've talked a bit with our kids about how we're leaving our church soon, and going to a new one, so that it doesn't come as a huge surprise to them when we go. My poor Bess is very sad about leaving her friends, and asked us why we're going. We had to explain what bishops were, and that the bishops were telling people things that weren't true, were telling people that sins weren't sins, and that these lies were keeping people away from God. That it was wrong to keep people away from God. Finally, Adam summarized: "They aren't obeying Jesus."

Bess went from sad to astonished. She said, "But . . . you have to obey Jesus!"

From the mouth of a four-year-old.

peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell


  1. It is pretty simple, isn't it? At least for a four-year old. :)

    The season after we left our beloved church was so hard on our kids. We were lucky that so many of our friends came along, too, though. The new church we planted seems wonderfully full, but we still miss the friends who stayed behind.

  2. Blessings to you in your obedience, and in this transition. We had to do the same once, and it was so painful. May love go with you.

  3. Hi Jessica, I'm a friend of the Torgersons (I'm in school with Jesse) and followed a link over from their blog. As an Episcopalian (Anglican is more accurate) I have been worried about what our church has been going through these last few years.

    If I might ask, where are you going, now that you are leaving? Are you forming an Anglican church in your area, or going to a different denomination? I don't feel right about the Episcopal Church's teachings, (especially here in San Fran), but am having trouble finding another place to go... Any advice you have would be most appreciated!

    All the best, Kate B

  4. Praying for you as you transition. We've had to leave the church our children grew up in.

    I know it won't be easy but peace will come...
