
Tuesday, May 12, 2009


Here is a link to a letter that ended up being the evidence that convicted a man of challenging another man to a duel (then illegal) in Missouri in 1831. It shouldn't be funny, but it sort of is, especially because he had to hide what he was trying to do, and because he emphasized - over and over - that all he was doing was inviting the other fellow to a hunting party. (Of DEATH!)

I'm sorry I didn't link to it in time for y'all to participate, but you have to take a look at Chip MacGregor's Bad Poetry Contest results. Oh, the deepfulness. The reflectivosity.

This New York Times article about the way kindergartens are now run in the States mentions a lot of the reasons that influenced our decision to homeschool next year.

Jen's post on her "staggering inability to be grateful" is well worth the read. She talks about how she practiced reminding herself of all that she had to be grateful for, but how that still didn't make her content. Then, upon praying, she had this insight:

The Holy Spirit has basically hit me over the head with a cluebat to tell me that my gratitude list should contain a lot fewer items having to do with worldly comforts and a lot more items having to do with experiencing God's love, even when it's not pleasurable or fun.

There's more to it, and I really suggest going and reading the whole thing.

And here is what Anne wrote on the recent legal decisions regarding the Diocese of San Joaquin. Please read and pray. (And enjoy Anne's prose. Even when she's writing about things like how "going to court and being involved in this mess brings with it an uncomfortable helpless feeling", she also manages to slip in dry observations like "I REALLY don't have time to thinking about this. My school area is covered in salt put there by a roaring lion of a baby, seeking what she may devour".)

peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell

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