
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Thursday is St. George's Day

. . . and Kerry has some great ideas about how to celebrate!

Also, if you want some fun reading, I enjoyed this article called "Scratch That: how cost-effective is it to make homemade pantry staples?"

peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell


  1. That article is fun! Thanks for the link.

  2. Thanks I needed the article on making your own yogurt and bread being cheaper...I just made a batch of bread and started more yogurt this morning and it was one of "those" mornings with the kids when I thought WHAT AM I DOING? :-)

  3. Hey, there! Thanks for the link, Jessica! I'm mulling over your request for reading material for homeschool. Do you think you are drawn to the classical model or something else? Someone mentioned Raymond Moore - good recommendation! I also agree with the commentor about Well-Trained Mind. But while I love Laura Berquist's book - it treats each grade seperately and I love having a little crossover in content areas (ie. history, literature, etc).

    Using a charlotte mason approach in Kindergarten is a gentle and easy entrance...and can lead right into classical model when you get to formal school in a couple years. (I know - you may not still be doing this then!)

  4. Tell me how the yogurt goes :-) You don't have to use whole milk, we just do to pack in the calories :-). It is one of the easiest things I have ever done (and I mean it). I don't think we'll ever go back as we much prefer the flavor to anything store bought :-). Do you need a recipe? My favorite simple one I wrote out here:
