
Thursday, April 9, 2009

on reading while flossing my teeth

TwoSquareMeals asked how I read while brushing and flossing my teeth. I must be weird; not everyone does this? But, here's how I do it: I put my book down on the bathroom counter and hold it open with the toothpaste. I then have to stop brushing for a moment while my husband takes the toothpaste to put some on his toothbrush. And I have to move the toothpaste up and down the page periodically, so I can see all the words.

This works better with a full tube of toothpaste. When the tube's running low, I use my glasses case, but that isn't as heavy and doesn't work as well.

Magazines (like Touchstone!) also make great toothcare reading, 'cause you don't have to hold them open with anything.

And yes, I have to stop brushing or flossing every minute or so, in order to turn pages.

But, um, extra reading time! So worth it. I think.

peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell


  1. The toothpaste tube. Of course! Thanks for the tip. I might just finish that N.T. Wright book after all!

  2. You're not weird - I do that, too.

    On second thought, maybe that just makes both of us weird. :)
