
Thursday, April 30, 2009


I love Kelly's reflection on Dorothy Sayers excellent essay "Are Women Human?" (which I commented on briefly here), in regards to mothering and homemaking.

Kerry has posted a great list of resources for those who are, like me, just starting their homeschooling journey. Thanks, Kerry!

In other news, I've decided that I need to start mindfully skimming my huge stack of books on homeschooling, instead of trying to read every word!

And this sort of post is why I appreciate the writers over at Touchstone so much. An excerpt:

What makes me nervous about movements of men that emphasize the subordination of women is that (1) how the Christian doctrine works out in practice is based upon a mystery that includes the woman's full equality to the man, so to those outside may not look very much like women's subordination in any crass or obvious sense, and (2) these operations are very much the creative province not of conferences of men, but of faithful women, not doing what they do because of the demands the law of the male places upon them--however just that law may be--but because they love the men to whom they are committed, so follow the lesser law within the greater. Christian women living near the center of their faith are simply too accomplished, too strong, too well-integrated, too wise, too fruitful, and too happy, to satisfy the expectations of either feminism or the subordinationism of those who would make them less than they are. Christian men living near the center of their faith like them that way, and trust them with their lives.

I've said it before, and I'll say it again, if you don't subscribe to Touchstone, you should. I don't always agree with the editors entirely, but they think incisively and prayerfully, and their writing is always worth reading.

The owner of Get Rich Slowly interviews his millionaire neighbor. Fascinating stuff.

Here's a long one, but for anyone still in the Episcopal Church, I think it's a must-read. We're still here, but are, Lord willing, going to be out by the end of the year. (The specifics about why we're still here are complicated, but the general reason is because we're hoping we won't be leaving alone.) Anyway, this article is about "TEC 'Stayers'".

Finally, a very interesting interview with the author of the new book called "The End of Overeating". I've ordered a copy from the library, because the interview made me curious enough. Hat tip to Jen.

peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the link, Jessica, and you are welcome for the book recommedations.

    These look like excellent links...I can't wait to have some time to read through them. Hopefully tonight after the kiddoes are in bed.
