
Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Happy Epiphany!

I hope your Christmas was good and glorious. Our was. For the first time all year, I felt like we caught up with ourselves.

Last year at this time, I was in a hospital bed, away from my oldest two children, wondering if my youngest two would make it safely home.

I am so grateful to have all six of us here now, and I am hoping that this year we can really sink into being a family of six, able to enjoy each other, now that the twinshock is starting to fade, and no one is hospitalized. God has been very, very good to us. I don't know what the next year will bring - whether joy or sorrow - but this year has taught us that whatever comes, we won't go through it alone.

Anyway, to start this year, Epiphany! I encourage you to go over to Kerry's, where she has some great suggestions for celebrating the season as a family.

While you're clicking links, also visit Emily's, where she breaks down the awful new law going into effect nation-wide in February: the lawmakers meant to protect our kids from lead, but the effect is that we won't be able to buy any secondhand children's clothing or toys at thrift stores or handmade children's clothing or toys at places like Yep. Pretty awful.

And me? I'm finishing the LAST of the handmade Christmas presents (yes, still) and beginning to work on a few of my own projects that I've been waiting to work on - and also working on a couple of tutorials that should be up in the next week or so.

And I'm praying a lot for my church, which is getting caught up in a bad way in the horrible things going on in the Episcopal church. Please pray for us.

peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell


  1. Welcome back! I've missed your perspective and prose this past month. I'll pray.

  2. Hi, Jessica! Thanks for the link! We had a wonderful Epiphany Home Blessing.

    I am so shocked about this law. There has been a lot about it in the blogosphere lately. Hopefully, the lawmakers will hear the concerns and will make wise decisions.
