
Wednesday, December 17, 2008

housekeeping, a bit at a time

In this season of not enough sleep, and very little time when I have one, let alone two, hands free, I am learning to do my housekeeping a bit at a time.

I'll keep this short because, well, I ought to sleep while I can. The babies will be wanting me soon.

But in case it helps anyone else . . . cleaning can be done here and there. I used to think that in order to keep my bathrooms clean, I needed to have a whole hour, in which I could roll up my sleeves and really clean both bathrooms, from top to bottom. Now I know I can wipe down the sink on Monday, before I wash my hands. I can sweep the floors on Tuesday while the kids are playing happily in the bedroom next door. I can scrub out the toliet after I put the babies down for their nap and before I head back downstairs. Etc.

Our fridge is getting cleaned a shelf at a time; I just do one a day after I wash the nightly dishes, and have soapy water and a wet dishcloth out anyway.

Bits at a time, but all the time, instead of getting clean, our house is staying clean.

And, the very most important part, we're doing a nightly pick-up-and-dishes fest. (Picking up being different than cleaning.) Part one is with the kids - they help clear the table and pick up their toys after dinner. Part two is after the kids are in bed - Adam and I do the rest of the downstairs - clutter and basic kitchen cleaning - so that we're not behind when we get up in the morning. We take turns reading to each other while we do this, which makes it a much easier chore.

Between cleaning in pieces, and picking up all at once every night, it still gets down.

I like cleaning house all at once, taking it within a few hours from dirty to clean. But right now that's a luxury. However, having a clean house isn't a luxury. It's just a necessity I have to take care of in a new way.

peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell

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