
Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Advent: December 2 & 3

Yesterday, the eldest and I gathered together all our Christmas books into one place. Today, we found a box to put them in. (I know, I know, today's activity was so ambitious!)

But I just finished mixing up some chai sugar cookie dough, and it's now in the fridge, ready to be rolled out tomorrow with the kids, so that they can put their cookie cutters to some good use. Well, good, yummy use, because their cookie cutters already get lots of good use . . . on their playdough.

I made the chai sugar cookie dough by mixing in the contents of a couple of chai spice tea bags in with the sugar cookie dough. I'll find out how that works in about, oh, three minutes, because there's a small batch of it cooking in the toaster oven right now for my husband and I to enjoy tonight.

peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell

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