
Wednesday, August 13, 2008

oh dear

so far, I've avoided giving the kids baths when my husband isn't home. After all, what do you do with twin babies while you have two toddlesr in the tub?

I think I might have to figure that out.

See, my idea was that Bess and Gamgee could play with water on the porch, with buckets and cups and dishtubs and all good things.

My idea was NOT that they'd get into the sandbox with the water.

Silly me.


  1. so funny that you posted on this, i was just thinking of you last night as i was giving our two little ones a bath. i wondered about how that must go for you with four. would the older two be willing to sit in the bathroom reading or something? maybe the bathroom is not quite big enough for that...just a thought.

  2. babies in carseats?
    bath with a hose?

    call for help?

    sorry I'm at work today and can't come to the rescue!

  3. Silly you, indeed. :) I made the same mistake the other day when I sent the boys out back with water toys and the sprinklers. Five minutes later I realized that they were making mud their hair.

  4. That's such a good idea, sand or no. I've given up baths. If they beg they can have a shower. I shouldn't be untruthful, I do give them a Saturday scrub down before church whether they need it or not.
