
Sunday, July 13, 2008

a few numbers

So, I'm a bit of a nerd. I embrace that though. :)

Anyway, I've been noticing recently that I drink a LOT of water. I have a 32 oz. Nalgene bottle that I just keep refilling all day long. Why? Because as soon as I sit down and latch Lucy and Anna on, and they start nursing, I get really thirsty. Really, really, really thirsty. Instantly. It's very weird.

So I got curious enough about it that I decided yesterday to keep track of how much liquid I drink in a day. The answer?


But wait! I have a reason to do it!

I don't know exactly how much milk I'm making a day, but I estimated based on the girls' weights, and came to the conclusion that I'm making about a half gallon of milk a day! Or about a quart per baby. That's a lot.

And just to add (ha!) one more set of numbers to that:

When I cut my kids' fingernails and toenails, it takes awhile. When I stopped and thought about it, I realized that's because I have to cut EIGHTY nails before I'm done. (And if I do mine too, that's 100.)

Okay. Nerdiness done for now. I'll go back to qualifying rather than quantifying my maternity.

peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell


  1. Wow, that's amazing. I'm drinking about a gallon to 1.25 gallons a day (depending on how much I'm outside). It is impressive how you can sit down to nurse and just drain one of those Nalgenes, isn't it! And with twins I'm sure you could probably down a couple of Nalgenes before you're done! *grin*

    BTW, I showed that tugboat page to my husband too and he was amazed. Thanks for linking to it.
