
Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Happy Pentecost!

I hope you are having a good Pentecostal week. Hee. We're doing our big family celebration of the holiday tonight. I'm making this curry (spicy food to remember the flames of fire) and we've got a bunch of red roses on our table right now (the backyard bush seemed to know that this week was Pentecost and produced bountifully) that my almost-four-year old is dearly, dearly looking forward to shredding. We'll be sprinkling them also over the table, also to remember the flames of fire. I'll try to remember to take pictures and post them here tomorrow.

I'm thinking about how to explain the Holy Spirit to my kids. I think we'll start with talking about with the Creed says of Him, that He is "the Lord, the Giver of life, who proceeds from the Father" and that "He has spoken through the prophets." Then, I want to show them an example a professor of mine used. He said, think of a picture of Jesus drawn on a chalkboard. And then picture a guy standing behind the chalkboard, but reaching his hand around the front of it, pointing to the picture of Jesus. His point being: what the Holy Spirit does is to point us to Jesus. He keeps turning our faces around, saying, Look there. Look at Him.

And He helps us to pray. And He prays for us.

I'm hoping that our dinner conversation, amidst spicy chicken and red rose petals, will sound something like that. And I hope remembering the special supper and special table decorations will help my children to remember what we teach them about the Holy Spirit.

peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell

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