
Friday, March 14, 2008

buy Touchstone

Commercial enough? I have had a link to this magazine on my sidebar for a long time, and have been a reader of it even longer, but I have a special reason for recommending it this month: I have the honor to have a short article in this month's edition. So even though our twins' arrival is keeping me from posting very often these days, you can still read a bit about homemaking through the church year. The article is actually the sum of what I've learned since I began trying to practice the church year as a wife and mother.

But buy the magazine for more than that; check it out because it is a consistantly excellent monthly collection of essays and more. And it has writers from all three of the great divisions of Christianity, and they never pretend that our differences don't exist but instead acknowledge them while at the same time working to think well about how what we all believe (summarized in the Nicene creed) influences - no, rather, dictates - how we ought to live.

Speaking of the church year, Easter is coming up, and our oldest daughter is scheduled to be baptized at the Easter vigil service. Does anyone have any tips on how to prepare a toddler for baptism? I mean prepare in a practical sense; obviously you want to have been teaching her to love the Lord and explaining to her what baptism means, etc. But did anyone practice the service with her child or do any of you have a "learned it the hard way" story about your young baptismal candidate getting stage fright (so to speak) during the service or freaking out about getting wet? Our girl is excited about getting baptised, and I think she understands it as well as a three year old can, but I'd like to do what I can to help it all to go well. I'd be grateful for any tips from moms who've done this before.

peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell


  1. Congratulations on the article, Jessica! How cool to have your name right there listed as an author!

    Oh, and just to clarify (since I went running to my current issue to see where your article was!) it is coming out in *next* month's issue. :)

  2. LOL, Emily, I was doing the same thing! Realizing this made me feel better because I just finished reading this month's Touchstone cover to cover and I didn't remember anything that sounded like your article, Jessica.

    Congratulations though, that's fantastic! I've been reading Touchstone ever since Emily mentioned it to me a couple years ago and I've very much enjoyed it - and learned a lot too. It has been gratifying to have the articles that were once over my head become not so over my head as I've learned more. :-)

  3. Congratulations, Jessica! If I can find a place that carries Touchstone, I'll pick it up. I used to subscribe and really enjoyed it.

  4. Congradulations, on both counts. As for baptizing, in the atrium we have the children baptize their fists for practice, and then do pastings of the white garment, the candle and so on. Baptism is actually one of my favorite works in Catechesis. And my kiddos seem to derive a very particular quietness from the baptismal work. We also let them light small candles off our stubby left over Paschal candle.
    Last year we had a little girl that wanted to be immersed so we got a big tub of water and dunked her in it. Very cool and exciting. Anyway, congradulations. Many prayers.

  5. Ah, my favorite magazine. That's great.

    My kids were all baptized as babies, but if Lucy were being baptized now, I'm sure she'd get a kick out of a family rehearsal. (o:

  6. I am SO impressed that you have an article out, even with all that you have going on!

    We baptized our three-year-old a few months ago. It was a slight disaster since he threw a temper tantrum and we had to carry him out of the building screaming. Everyone was very understanding about it though, which was nice. I wish I had more practical tips to offer! I guess the only helpful thing I might be able to offer is that our "worst case scenario" played out in terms of his behavior...and yet, looking back, it wasn't that big of a deal. It was still a nice day, and we'll all look back on it and laugh.

  7. I really enjoyed your article! The Lewis quotes were great.

    One question: What is an epiphany mark on the door?
