
Thursday, November 15, 2007

Advent-ful Days

It was last Advent that started me on my journey to celebrate the whole church year, so while Easter (Queen of Feasts!) remains my favorite season, Advent is the one towards which I feel the most affection.

And though I don't know how this twin pregnancy will affect our celebrations (except that it probably will, somehow), I'm still beginning to get excited about December.

Last year, inspired by Madeleine L'Engle's "Twenty Four Days Before Christmas", I tried to do something to get ready for Christmas every day of Advent. It was a great way to celebrate with my then-two-year-old, and to gain opportunities to talk about the gospel with her. This year, her younger brother is old enough to join in (at least some of) the fun.

Since Advent is also the time we remember Christ's second (as well as his first) coming, it strikes me that doing something every day to celebrate the season is also a good reminder to do something every day of our lives to make ourselves more ready for His return. I like the picture of our souls as a house that we make every day more hospitable to the Holy Spirit, the same way we every day in Advent make our physical houses more festive and bright.

So, I am beginning to compose a list of Advent activities. The idea is to have twenty-five or so possibilities, and then to pick one each day, as it fits best with that day. Sundays, of course, the Advent-ful activity is attending Mass. Here's the list thus far:

-get a Christmas tree
-decorate the tree
-make snowflake cut-outs
-get out all of the Christmas books and display them together
-make cookies
-make candy for presents
-wrap presents
-write Christmas letter
-get out Advent calandar (Day 1 or 2)
-assemble Advent wreath (Day 1)
-go caroling
-get out the creche
-celebrate St. Nicholas' Day? (Dec. 6)
-attend Lessons and Carols?
-color pictures of the Nativity story
-make ornaments
-make paper-chains
-make a star for the top of the tree

And I need more. Somehow I came up with the requisite number last year, so I know I'm forgetting some good ones. I need to reread the L'Engle book!

Anyone else have some good Advent activities that I'm missing?

peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell


  1. Jessica - I have an advent blogging idea to share with you! I'm trying to see what kind of interest there might be for an Advent-themed mini-carnival - specifically by Anglicans.

    Email me:

  2. Jess, how about popping popcorn and stringing it to decorate the tree? I don't know if you think Bess is old enough to handle a needle like that yet. Also, we always have at least one night when we drink eggnog to celebrate. :) Oh, and an evening of driving (or walking) around to look at Christmas lights.

    Thanks for typing up this list - I've just begun thinking about this, too, and it helps to have a jump start!

  3. Does your church do ony kind of toy giveaway? If not, you might be able to go to a mall or Salvation Army and get a gift for a needy child.

  4. Hey Jess,
    I bought an Advent book for you'all at the Concordia booth at ETS today.
    Remind me to give it to you - it has some good (and not very complex ideas) for each day of Advent.
    I also got some Touchstone 'stuff' for you ;-D


    Jessica - I've gotten in touch with a couple other Anglican moms and we are going to put up an Advent Carnival. Would you be willing to submit this post and any others you might have?

    We think it would be great fun to share how we do Advent! I'm planning to do a post with lots of great links, some feast day ideas, and a few other bits and pieces.

    Hope you will join us!

  6. I'm giving away an Advent book on my blog , and I wrote a post on what our family is doing with links to some great books and other ideas.
