
Monday, October 8, 2007

St. Michael and All Angels (plus All Saint's Day)

So . . . I missed Michaelmas. I've been so into this Ordinary Time thing that I've gotten out of the habit of looking for feasts. But I'm beginning to think about All Saint's Day, which is (I think) the next big feast day coming up. (Um, that is, not forgetting the feast days of St. Luke, St. James, St. Simon and St. Jude.)

I don't celebrate the weird American perversion that is Halloween, but I am very interested in finding out what the older, better traditions surrounding All Hallow's Day are, so that I can celebrate them with my children. I like the idea of having a day where we talk all about the people who really, really loved Jesus (this, I think, is the best way to define "saints" to a one year old and a three year old).

My best idea so far is to collect some good picture books about the saints (we already have a few), and to spend the week of All Saint's Day reading them daily. Also, there's a great children's hymn called "I Sing a Song of the Saints of God" that I'd love to teach my kids. Bess, at least, is good at picking up song lyrics, and I think if we sang it every day this next month, that she'd learn it. I especially like how the end of each verse says, "and I mean to be one too" (a saint, that is).

And I've heard that in some places in the world, it's traditional to make pretzels on All Saints' Day. I admit that I don't quite understand why.

So, does anyone else have any great ideas about how to celebrate All Saints' with kids?

peace of Christ to you,
Jessica Snell


  1. Actually, it's traditional to make pretzels during Lent

    October is the month of the Holy Rosary, but the feast of Our Lady of the Rosary was Oct. 7.

    We try to celebrate our particular saint's feast day by giving alms - usually I have the kids help make 'buddy bags'. Buddy Bags are lunchbags with a couple of non-perishable snacks and a bottle of water that we keep in the car and give to the people with signs on the side of the road (I don't like giving cash in this day and age). The kids decorate the bags with drawings, crosses, happy faces, etc.

    I'm going to have a Saint's Day party at home this year, where the kids dress as saints as well.

    You might like this link:

  2. Hi! I'm an Anglican mom, too! Don't seem to be many blogging Anglican moms, so it is nice to find your blog.

    We homeschool and I am always lookig for ways to include the church year in our lessons. I'm happy to find someone with the same desire!

    Come by my blog and say "HI" sometime!

    By the way - what part of the Anglican Communion are you in? We are recently former Episcopalians. Our new church is being formed under Archbishop Akrofi of Western Africa (Ghana) - with Bishop John Guernsey as our stateside bishop (when Akrofi isn't able to be here). Our first worship service is Nov. 1st (All Saints) with our first Sunday service on Nov 4th.

