
Tuesday, February 20, 2007

WFMW: kiddie pool planter

Maybe this would never happen at your house, but our plastic kiddie pool stayed in the yard all winter, and got badly cracked. No more toddler pool parties for this pool!

Rather than throwing it away (and after using it for frisbee target practice), my husband suggested that I use it for a flower bed. Here're the results:

In a couple weeks, I hope to have these blue beauties coming up:

As a bonus tip on finding new uses for old kid stuff: the big end of those bottle brushes make excellent scrubbers for root vegetables.

peace of Christ to you,


  1. What a great idea! I love it! :)

    Thanks for stopping by my blog today and leaving a comment. And, yes, we do have the problem of Snuggle Bug trying to eat the groceries on the walk home. I usually give him some grapes to keep him occupied. :)

  2. Great tip and just in time! I have a cracked kiddie pool in the garage. I'm just getting ready to start my gardening. I can't wait to tell my hubby!

  3. That is such a cute idea!! You'll have to post a picture when the plants come up!

  4. So, how did it work out? I have a kiddie pool I bought for my turtles that I don't actually let them use very often, and a mint plant that it staining at its boundaries, so I was thinking of converting it. Glad to see someone else tried it first!
