
Tuesday, February 13, 2007

WFMW: herb salad

The Proverbs tell us: "Better a dinner of herbs where love is, than a stalled ox and hatred therewith."

But even though what that's telling you is that it's better to have a full heart than a full stomach, I've recently discovered that herbs aren't that bad for filling up the corners - that instead of just garnishing with them, you can actually eat them.

I discovered this on accident, when making the Vietnamese Fried Rice from the More-With-Less Cookbook. The recipe called for the rice to be served piping hot on a bed of lettuce, parsley, mint and cucumber. Well, I didn't have cucumber, but I did have lettuce, parsley and mint in my garden (the mint is currently invading our lawn), so I put together a simple salad to go under the rice.

Not only was it delicious with the rice, but it was delicious on its own. So I've been trying it some more, and I've decided that, really, herbs are just leafy greens (you know, the kind women's magazines keep urging you to eat more of). Except that they're leafy greens that taste good. And they grow like weeds, which makes keeping a fresh supply cheap and easy.

So, using fresh herbs in equal measure to lettuce in salads? Works for me!

peace of Christ to you,

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the idea. I've toying with planting some different herbs this spring and wasn't sure what I would do with them. Now I know. :)
