
Monday, February 19, 2007

a reminder: deadline extended

I just wanted to remind everyone that I'm taking entries for the Lenten Blog Carnival through the end of the day today. I've had at least one person find the original post explaining the carnival and mourn at being too late to participate - I just wanted to let you know, it's not to late yet!

The carnival is shaping up really well, btw. It's been so much fun reading all of your great thoughts on the upcoming season, and I think all of you are really going to enjoy reading all the great posts too!

peace of Christ to you,


  1. Thanks. I submitted mine yesterday.

    I think Shannon's (Rocks In My Dryer)announcement of this links to your original post. Maybe edit that post so announce the extension there? Just a thought since many go to Shannon's site. That's where I found out about this carnival :)

    Thanks for doing this. If there's any editing I need to do on my post, just let me know. I know ths "can be" a "sensitive" topic as it talks about our faith.


  2. Yahoo. I hope I can get everything posted before midnight!!

    Thanks for the extension.
