Monday, January 22, 2007


Today I was reading A Mother's Rule of Life by Holly Pierlot (review coming to this site as soon as I can finish reading it!), and came across this paragraph:

"According to the seasons, I was occupied with a great many types of tasks. Spring was planting and cleaning out the house and washing all the bedding and curtains and hanging them out to dry in the fresh spring air. Summer was weeding and beach time and picnics with the kids. Autumn was harvesting and preserving and bundling up the house in preparation for winter. Winter was indoor home improvements and decorating and sewing."

Now, I like this whole book (just to whet your appetite, it's a book that feels like it's laying out for me in a beautiful pattern a lot of disparate ideas I've been trying to piece together for myself for a long time - one of those books), but this paragraph struck me in particular because it's been shivery-cold here (in sunny SoCal!) and I've avoided going outside because of the weather, and all of that has had me staring 'round at our walls and contemplating things like curtains. I'd even gotten out lengths of fabric and my husband's staple gun (what can I say? I'm no seamstress), and let them lay on the windowsill for a few days. So the idea that the urge to stay inside and decorate our hibernation chamber might be a natural, good thing was appealing. That some things are better done in winter, some in summer . . . well, that seems too to jive with the whole idea of rhythm that intrigues me so whenever I consider the church year.

The really funny thing? That after reading that, and beginning to feel less discouraged about the fact that I've been acting like a growly bear, I spent the afternoon outside with the kids, pulling weeds, watering plants, and giving Gamgee horsey rides.

As if it were already spring.

peace of Christ to you,

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